"Teaching Strategies in a university"
The Quality Assurance Committee of HEI “ HËNA E PLOTË” (BEDËR) , with the participation of the academic staff, organized on October 24, 2014 the seminar on "Teaching Strategies – How and what to teach in a university".
The seminar was led by Assist. Prof. Dr. Arban Uka and aimed to provide insight and discuss with the participants important issues concerning what and how to teach in higher education institutions.
The professor at first opened for discussion important questions that all professionals of higher education face, such as the definition of science, the definition of classical, how to determine which philosophy is most effective, what is produced by each of the departments of the higher education institution, questions that were discussed from the participants and answers were provided during the seminar.
Among the topics that were followed with great interest from the participants, were the techniques used for a better learning by students and teaching methodologies.
In this context, participants were acquainted with the four main philosophies in the field of education, more specifically “Perennialism, Essentialism, Progressivism and Reconstructionism”, where participants had the opportunity to obtain information and debate regarding the specifics of each of the philosophies and different approach that different countries and their education system adopt towards each of them.
The seminar was attended with great interest and was highly appreciated by the participants due to the importance and thoroughness of the information provided.